Bicinium of verse from the 23rd Psalm by Piplelare.
The Story of a Real Man was Sergei Prokofiev's last opera. Never performed in the United States, Collectio Musicorum presents a chorus from this fascinating work.
From Wikipedia:
Scena by Henry Purcell (1659-1695) based on 1Samuel 28.
Pelissier was a French horn player and composer, who, born in France around 1755, fled that
country during its revolution, went to Haiti and fled that country during its
revolution, and ended up in the United States, where he composed for theatres
in New York and Philadelphia. He died, supposedly in Perth Amboy, NJ, around 1820.
The text of this song was used by Shakespeare in Measure for Measure.
Schelb wird sunst all unser Fart, Or it will roll from the straight path.
Das brächt Lust der Widerpart, That would please our enemies
Die Dich veracht so freventlich. Who dare to despise you.
In der Straf der bösen Böck! And defend us from the enemy.
Dine Schaf wiederum erweck, Wake your sheep with your voice
Die dich liebhabend inniglich. For they love you dearly.
Scheide fern, und alte Trüw Depart and let the old fidelity
Wiederkehr und werde nüw, Return and be renewed
Daß wir ewig lob singend dir! That we may eternally sing your praises!
Performed by organist James Wetzel
Pipelare's Magnificat, performed in memory of Dr. Ronald Cross, using his edition.
Complete performance of Pipelare's mass.
Pipelare was a master of large complex structures, but that he did not need complicated organization to bring out his finest writing is nowhere more obvious than in his Missa de feria, which though simple in style contains some of his most memorable music. The Missa de feria is a simple setting for daily use based on plainsong Masses XV and XVIII. It is common for Ferial Masses to be based on these plainsong melodies.
Ein' Feste Burg -- In German and the first English translation
0 comments Posted by Collectio Musicorum at 6:57 PM
In 1539, Miles Coverdale published a collection of hymns called “Ghostly Psalms and Spiritual Songs.” This book contained the first translation into English of Luther’s Ein’ Feste Burg. However, due to the government’s attempts to stifle Lutheran ideas, only one copy of this book has survived. It is now in a library at Oxford University, and we are grateful that they provided a copy of the hymn, so we could perform it.
ein gute Wehr und Waffen. A trusty shield and weapon;
Er hilft uns frei aus aller Not, He’ll keep us clear from all the ill
die uns jetzt hat betroffen. That hat us now o’ertaken.
Der alt böse Feind The ancient prince of hell
mit Ernst er’s jetzt meint, Hath risen with purpose fell;
groß Macht und viel List Strong mail of craft and power
sein grausam Rüstung ist, He weareth in this hour;
auf Erd ist nicht seinsgleichen. On earth is not his fellow.
*Mit unsrer Macht ist nichts getan, *With force of arms we nothing can,
wir sind gar bald verloren; Full soon were we down-ridden;
es streit’ für uns der rechte Mann, But for us fights the proper Man
den Gott hat selbst erkoren. Whom God himself hat bidden.
Fragst du, wer der ist? Ask you who is this same?
Er heißt Jesus Christ, Christ Jesus is his name,
der Herr Zebaoth, The Lord Sabaoth’s Son;
und ist kein andrer Gott, He, and no other one,
das Feld muss er behalten. Shall conquer in the battle.
*Und wenn die Welt voll Teufel wär *And were this world all devils o’er;
und wollt uns gar verschlingen, All watching to devour us,
so fürchten wir uns nicht so sehr, We lay it not to heart so sore;
es soll uns doch gelingen. They cannot overpower us.
Der Fürst dieser Welt, And let the prince of ill
wie sau’r er sich stellt, Look grim as e’er he will,
tut er uns doch nicht; He harms us not a whit;
das macht, er ist gericht’: For why? His doom is writ;
ein Wörtlein kann ihn fällen. A word shall swiftly slay him.
*Das Wort sie sollen lassen stahn 8God’s word, for all their craft and force,
und kein’ Dank dazu haben; One moment will not linger,
er ist bei uns wohl auf dem Plan But, spite of hell, shall haves its course;
mit seinem Geist und Gaben. ‘Tis written by his finger.
Nehmen sie den Leib, And though they take our life,
Gut, Ehr, Kind und Weib: Goods, honour, children, wife,
lass fahren dahin, Yet is their profit small;
sie haben’s kein’ Gewinn, These things shall vanish all:
das Reich muss uns doch bleiben. The city of God remaineth.
For thou art the Lord our God, and thou, O Lord, will we praise for evermore
In the 1950s, the musicologist Paul Nettl pointed out the similarities between Luther’s hymn and one of the Meisterlieder of Hans Sachs, who wrote two sets of words for his Silberwiese—one sacred and one secular. This performance is of the latter.
Medieval harp music performed by Christopher Preston Thompson
0 comments Posted by Collectio Musicorum at 5:47 PM
When Love and Beauty
Tu Pauperum Refugium
El Grillo
Wagner's Rienzi takes place in the Middle Ages, and Collectio Musicorum performed two choruses from this early work as a compliment to our performance of medieval music related to Wagner's operas.
A Minnelied by the historic Tannhaeuser