Ich Lobe ein Wip

A Minnelied by the historic Tannhaeuser

Ich lobe ein wip

Ich lobe ein wip, diu ist noch bezzer danne guot,      I love a woman who is kinder than kind,
Sist schoene und ist noch schooner vil                       she’s fair and is very beautiful and
und hochgemuort,                                                       high minded,
Si hat vor allen valschen dingen sich behuot;             she’s kept herself from all false things
Ich hort nie wip so wol geloben,                                 I have not heard of any woman
Also man si tuot.                                                         equal to her praise.
Isalde wart so schoene nie,                                         Isolde was never so beautiful,
 noch Djone, diu ein gütin was.                                  Nor Trone, who was a goddess.
Medea swaz diu noch begie,                                       Medea also could not compare
Des half mit wisheit frou Pallas.                                 inspite of Pallas Athena’s wisdom.
Juno gap richheit durch die minne,                             Juno gave riches through her love,
Dido hete, daz wart geteilet überal.                            Dido had it all, I have heard. 
Latricia diu lie sich tougenlichen sehen.                     Latricia was seen secretly,
Palatrica den frouwen vil der kinde stal.                    Palatrica stole children from women.
Helen was eins küneges wip,                                      Helen was a king’s wife,
Zuo den kame in Discordia;                                        and she met Discordia;
Daz giene in beiden anden lip,                                    which was for both a deadly thing,
Des en galt ouch Amarodia.                                       as it was for Amarodia.
Ez schuof en wip, daz Troia wart zerstoeret,              A woman once caused Troy’s destruction,
Diu hiez Avenant.                                                       She was called Avenant.
Lunet diu was von hoher art,                                      Lunette was born into nobility,
Ir vater derhiez Willebrant.                                         her father was called Willebrant.
Venus ein apfel wart gegeben,                                    To Venus was an apple given,
Da von so huop sich michel not;                                 which brought distress to all;
Dar umbe gap Paris sin leben,                                     Paris was driven to death,
Da lac ouch Menelaus tot.                                          as was Menelaus.
Sibille was ein listic wip,                                             Sibyl was a wise woman,
Bider Amabilia;                                                           as was Amabilia;
Si riet uf senatoren lip;                                                they would advise senators,
Daz tet diu leide Invidia.                                            as did the unfortunate Invidia.
Frou Blaschiflur diu was                                             Frau Blanchiflor was
An allen dingen kluoc                                                 in all things wonderful
Dar umbe Walheis sit vil lange                                   and Walheis for a long time
Wart vertriben.                                                            was exiled.
Her Gawan der den anker                                           Gawain, who had an anchor
Werdecliche truoc,                                                      on his shield,
Der klagt, daz Iwein in dem                                       was upset that Iwein
Fores was beliben.                                                       did not leave the forest.
Sarmena klagt, groz ungemach,                                  Sarmena despaired, greatly,
Daz Gamuret als müezic saz;                                      that Gamuret was distant;
Ze Kuraz sim it zorne sprach:                                     To Kuraz she said,
“do Lanzelet sich des vermaz.                                    When Lancelot was courageous
Daz er mich raeche an Parzival,                                  he would exact revenge for me upon Parzival,
Der hector sine veste brach,                            who Hector his walls broke,
Er nam ze Karidol den gral,                            he took to Karidol the grail,
Do des Achilles niht enrach,                           and Achilles couldn’t stop him.
So richetz mir Kalogriant,                               So Kalogriant avenges me
Swaz Opris mirze leide tuot.”                         As Opris unfortunately could not do.”
Tispe was ein lion bekant,                               Thisbe was called Lione,
Gen Piramus so stuont ir muot.                       And she wanted Piramus.
Diu klare amie sprach zir massenie so:            This pretty woman addressed her followers:
“Min cumpenie sol der storje wessen fro.”     My friends, you’ll like what is planned.”
Ginover uz Britanjelant,                                  Guinevere from Britanny,
Die Artus het ze wibe erkorn,                         who became Arthur’s wife,
Die man in hoher tschoie ie vant,                    from a man received
Der brahte uz Provenze ein horn.                    a horn from Provence.
Von Portigal ein petschelier,                           From this Portuguese man
Daz was so wunderlicher art,                          came this wonderful thing,
Swer dar uz tranc, der wandel hete,               that whoever drank from it, and was not virtuous,
Er da mit begozzen wart.                                it spilled on him.
Porchtram diu was von Lunders                     Portharam who was in Lunders
So geboren her,                                               born there,
Daz schuof dem Wigol gegen                         and Wigol brought a spear
Dem Provenzal ein sper.                                against the Provencals.
Her Wigamur vor Kamvoleis                          Sir Wigamur at Kamvoleis,
Wol tet erz, als wirz han vernomen;                we have heard, did well there;
Gen dem so heilt der Wigoleis,                       He was opposed by Wigoleis
Der was den froun ze dienste komen.            who came to serve the ladies.
Tristran erwarp die künegin von Maroch,       Tristan won the queen of Morocco,
Als wir hoeren sage,                                        as we have heard said,
Ein moerin was diu heidenin,                         a Moorish heathen,
Der alden suln wir hie gedagen.                     Let’s say no more of it.
Und logen mine guoten,                                 And praise my love,
Die reinen, wolgemuoten,                               who is full of fun,
Swa si get an dem tanze                                 who is ready to dance
Mit ir rosenkranze,                                          wearing her crown of roses,
Dar obe ein ander krenzel,                              and with the crown
Ein wiz gevalden swenzel;                              a white shawl;
Ir har gelich dem golde,                                  her hair is like gold,
Als ez got wünschen solde,                            as ever God would have wished,
Krus alsam die siden:                                      her curls are like silk:
Man mehte si wol liden;                                  one must adore her;
Swa minne waer genaeme,                              wherever love is,
Diu liebe da wol zaeme.                                  she should be.
Von Oriende unz z’Occidende                       From the Orient or Occident
Wart nie schoener wip geborn            a more beautiful woman was never born
Ich han die guoten, wolgemuoten                  I have the good one picked
Iemer mer ze troste erkorn.                             Always to be my comfort.
Des ensol ich melden,                                     I shouldn’t say
Seht daz zaeme niht,                                                   it wouldn’t be good,
Wan der sim it minen ougen ane siht,                         but when I look at her with my eyes,
Dem muoz si wol gevallen                                          I find she is the best
Ze wunsche vor in allen.                                             compared to the others.
Ich lobe ir zuht, ir güete,                                             I praise her goodness and looks,
Ir staete, ir hochgemüete.                                            her state, her station.
Ir lip der ist so wolgestalt:                                          Her shape is so lovely:
Swer bi ir solde warden alt,                                        whoever grows old around her,
Der hat der werlte lop vil gar,                                     will have the world’s praise,
An ir ist niht vergezzen,                                              and she will not be overlooked,
Ze wunche is si gemezzen.                                          she is perfect.
Uf ir hüfel überal,                                                       About her hips,
Da sol ein borte ligen smal,                                         hangs a small piece of cloth,
Vil wol gesenket hin ze tal,                                         like a sash,
Da man ir reitet an dem sal.                                        that waves when she dances in the hall.
Da ist ir lip gedrollen,                                                 She is as shapely
Ze wunsche wol die vollen.                                        as one could wish.
Volge mir, sam tuon ich dir,                                       Follow me, and I will do,
Herzeliebiu reine,                                                        your every desire,
Du guote du süeze!                                                     Good and sweet!
Tuost du daz, so wirt mir baz,                                    Whatever you want, it will please me,
Daz dich got fristen müeze!                                        And you God has blessed!
Wolgemuoten, lat die guoten iu behagen!                  All of you happy people, she deserves your praise!
Si solvon rehter arte der eren krone tragen.                She has earned the crown of honor.
Swa si get zuo der linden mit wolgemuoten kinden,  When in the linden tree’s shade with nice youth,
Da zimt ir wol daz reien, si zieret wol den meien.      she likes to dance in the May.
Ir zimet wol daz lachen, daz kan si suoze machen.    She laughs so sweetly.
Nu dar! Nemet war, was diu liebe springet,               Now there, see where the lovely one dances,
Vor mir, nach mir, swie der seite erklinget.                In front of me, behind me, however the string sounds.
Gestricket wol ze prise, ze licken also lise.                 She should earn a prize, she is so beautiful.
Hie nimt der tanz ein ende,                                         Here the dance shall end,
Swer uns die fröude wende                                        whoever would take away our joy,
Den vermiden rosen un alle zite losen                        dislikes roses and other flowers
Und aller vogelline sanc!                                            as well as birdsongs!
Mich twinget, daz mich e da twanc.                           My pain has returned,
Nu singe ich aber hei!                                                 but I still sing “hei,”
Hei a nu hei!                                                                “Hei” and now “hei”
Nu ist dem videlaere                                                   Now the fiddler stops
Sin videlbogen zwei!                                                  because his bow has broken!


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