Nun will ich—the Tannhaeuser Ballad

Nun will ich aber heben an                             Now I will begin to sing
Von dem Danheuser zu singen                        about Tannhaeuser
Und was er wunders hat getan                       and the wonderful things he did
Mit siener frau Venusinnen.                            with his woman Venus.
Danheser was ein ritter gut                             Tannhaeuser was a good knight
Wann er wolt wunder schawen                      when he wanted a good time
Er wolt in frau Venus berg                             he went to Venus’ mountain
Zu ander schönen frawen.                              and saw beautiful women.
“Herr Danheser, ir sied mir lieb                      Sir Tannhaeuser, you are my love,
Daran solt ir gedenken!                                   remember that!
Ir habt mir einen eid geschworn:                    You have sworn an oath,
Ir wölt von mir nit wenken.”                          That you will not leave me.”
“Frau Venus, das enhab ich nit,                      “Frau Venus, I never said that,
Ich wil das widerprechen                                I must remind you,
Und redt das iemant mer dann ir,                   and if anyone told you that I did,
Got helf mirs an im rächen!”                           I swear to have revenge on him.”
“Herr Danheuser, wie redt ir nun?                  “Sir Tannhaeuser, what are you saying?
Ir solt bei mir beleibe;                                     You should stay with me;
Ich will euch mein gespilen geben                  I want to give you my friend
Zu einem steten weibe.”                                 to be your wife.”
“Und näm ich nun ein ander weib,                 “And if I took another wife,
Ich hab in meinen sinnen:                               it seems to me,
So must ich in der helle glut                           I would burn in Hell
Auch ewiklich brinnen.”                                 for eternity.”
“Ir sagt nmir vil von der helle glut                  “You talk to me about Hell
Und habt es doch nie empfunden;                  yet you have never felt it,
Gedenkt an meinen roten mund,                    think instead about my red mouth
Der lacht zu allen stunden!”                           that smiles at you always.”
“Was hilft mir ewer roter mund?                    “What help to me is your red mouth?
Er is mir gar unmere.                                       It no longer pleasing to me.
Nun gebt mir urlaub, frewlin zart,                  Now give me leave to go, pretty woman,
Durch aller frawen ere.”                                  for your womanly honor.”
“Herr Danheuser wölt ir urlaub han,               “Sir Tannhaeuser, I know you want my permission,
Ich wil euch keinen geben,                             but I won’t give it to you.
Nun bliebent, edler Danheuser,                      Now remain, noble Tannhaeuser,
Und fristed ewer leben!”                                and give me your life.”
“Mein leben das is worden krank,                  “My life is sickly,
Ich mag nit lenger bleiben,                              I do not want to stay longer,
Nun gebt mir urlaub, frewlin zart,                  now give me your permission to leave, fair woman,
Von ewrem stolzen liebe!                               from your incredible beauty.”
“Herr Danheuser, nit redet also!                     “Sir Tannhaeuser, do not say that!
Ir tut euch wol besinne,                                  think about what you’re saying,
So gen wir in ein kemmerlein                          come into my chamber with me
Und spilen der edlen minne!                           and we will play noble lovers.”
“Ewr minne ist mir worden leid                      “Your love to me has become sorrow,
Ich hab in meinem sinne,                                I believe,
Fraw Venus, edle frawe zart,                          Frau Venus, noble and cute woman,
Ir seid ein teufelinne!”                                    you are a devil.”
“Herr Danheuser, was redit ir nun”                “Sir Tannhaeuser, what are you saying,
Und daβ ir mich günnet schelten?                  how can you accuse me so?
Nun solt ir lenger herinnen sein,                     Now you should stay here longer,
Ir müβent kick engetlten!”                              you must pay me back.”
“Fraw Venus und das wil ich nit,                   “Frau Venus, I won’t do that,
Ich mag nit lenger bleiben.                              I do not want to stay longer.
Maria mutter, reine maid,                                Mother Mary, dearest maid,
Nu hilf mir von den weiben!”                         Now help me with women.”
“Herr Danheuser, ir solt urlaub han,               “Sir Tannhaeuser, you may go,
Mein lob das solt ir presien,                            you shall praise me to others,
Wo ir in dem land umbfahrt,                          wherever you go,
Nembt urlaub von dem greisen!”                    take yourself from this place.”
Do schied er wider aus bem Berg                   So he left again the mountain
In jammer und in rewen,                                 in lamentation and in sorrow,
“Ich wil gen Rom wol in die stat                    “I will go to Rome
Auf eines babstes trawen.”                             to confess to the pope.
Nun fahr ich frölich auf die ban,                    I will now go happily along the way,
Got muβ sein immer walten.                           as God is protecting me.
Zu einem babst, der heist Urban,                    To go to the pope, who is called Urban,
Ob er mich möcht erhalten.”                           to see if he will help me.”
“Ach babest, lieber herre mein,                       “O pope, my dear sir,
Ich klag euch meine sünde,                             I confess to you my sins,
Die ich mein tag begangen hab,                      which I have done throughout my days,
Als ich euchs wil verkünden.”                        as I will now tell you.”
“Ich bin gewen auch ein jar                            “Have spent a year
Bei Venus, einer frawen!                                with Venus, a woman!
So wolt ich beicht un buβ entpfahn,               I want to you confess to you,
Ob ich möcht got anschawen.”                       so God will forgive me.”
Der babst hat ein steblein in der hand            The pope had a staff in his hand
Das was sich also dürre.                                  that was dead.
“Als wenig es begrünen mag,                         “If this turns green again,
Kumbs du zu gottes hulde.”                           you may return to God’s family.”
“Nun solt ich leben nu rein jar,                       “Now I will live for just a year,
Ein jar auf dieser erden,                                  a year on this earth,
So wölt ich beicht un buβ entfpan                  to do penitence
Und gottes trost erwerben.”                           and earn God’s trust.?
Do zog er wieder aus der stat                         Then he left again the city
In jamer und in leiden,                                    in lamentation and sorrow,
“Maria mutter, reine magt,                              “Mother Mary, dearest maid,
Muβ ich mich von dir scheiden.”                    I must now leave you.”
Er zog da wieder in den berg                          He went again to the mountain
Und ewiklich on ende,                                    to spend eternity,
“Ich wil zu Venus, meiner frawen zart,          “I will go to Venus, my cute woman,
Wo mich got wil hin sende.”                          where God will send me.”
“Seid gottwillkummen, Danheuser!                “You are welcome, Tannhaeuser!
Ich hab ewr lang entboren,                             I have missed you for a long time,
Seid gotwillkummen, mein lieber herr,           you are welcome, my dear sir,
Zu einem bulen auserkoren!”                          to join me again.”
Das weret an den dritten tag’                         On the third day,
Der stab hub an zen grünen.                           the staff began to turn green.
Der babst schickt aus in alle land,                   The pope asked throughout the land,
Wo der Dannhauser wer hinkummen?            where had Tannhaeuser gone?
Do war er wieder in den berg                         He was again in the mountain
Und het sein lieb auserkoren;                          with his sworn love;
Des muβ der vierte babst Urban                     and so the fourth pope Urban
Auch ewiklich sen verloren!                           was lost for all eternity!


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